Female Doctors Linked to Lower Mortality Rates in Women Patients

TOKYO, Apr 24 (News On Japan) - A study led by the University of Tokyo using medical data from the United States has found that women patients experience lower mortality rates and other health benefits when treated by female doctors compared to male doctors.

The research team analyzed the medical outcomes of over 770,000 emergency hospital admissions of patients aged 65 and older, treated by approximately 42,000 doctors across the U.S.

The study adjusted for variables such as the patients' ages, medical conditions, and the doctors' ages and levels of experience, and then compared the outcomes based on the gender combination of doctor and patient. It revealed that female patients had lower mortality and readmission rates within 30 days of admission when treated by female doctors rather than male doctors. The researchers speculate that the improved outcomes could be due to greater comfort and openness in communication between female doctors and patients, highlighting a possible need for increasing the number of female physicians in the medical field.

Source: 日テレNEWS


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