Education | 2

A recommendation to abolish boys-only and girls-only schools in favor of coeducational systems has sparked a heated debate among graduates of single-sex high schools in Saitama Prefecture.

The Special Committee of the Central Council for Education, which focuses on salary systems and work style reforms for teachers, has proposed a draft to significantly increase the additional pay for teachers.

At the Nagahama Hikiyama Festival in Shiga Prefecture, children showcased a traditional Kabuki performance, captivating audiences with their skills.

Depending on the university you choose for advanced nursing education, a DNP program offers different tracks of study related to your chosen area of specialisation.

With the start of the new school year this spring, one technology that's drawing significant attention is the child-monitoring GPS device, which ensures the safety and security of children.

Kyoto City is set to implement a system that allows even non-working parents to place their children in daycare, aiming to enhance the child-rearing environment.

The special subcommittee of the Central Council for Education (Chuukyo-shin), which has been discussing the salary system and work style reforms for teachers, has indicated that it plans to include a draft proposal to maintain the current framework, which substitutes overtime pay with an additional monthly salary, while raising this additional amount for the first time in half a century from the current 4% to at least 10%.

A survey conducted by a group of active teachers and experts revealed that as of December 2023, approximately 60% of Japan's elementary and middle schools are experiencing a teacher shortage.